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The Nitibu Foundation

The foundation for the diseased poorest

In 2014 as Student at Bugando, our founder Noely Mapunda launched a movement "Find" and  "Treat"  which aimed to identify diseased poorest who were reportedly dying at home due to Gender based violence and extreme poverty. Majority were children and women who were dying from preventable causes. The Movement primarily was running among rural villages of Buchosa, Sengerema and  Kwimba in Mwanza, During the program many medical Student joined "Find" and "Treat" Movement to identify and connect the diseased poorest to advanced Care under monthly contributions aid. In 2015 The Movement was officially changed to The NITIBU Foundation as the Foundation for diseased poorest, named after voice of one elderly woman who had Neglected septic wound at home who was crying to our team asking "Nitibu" (Treat Me) several times, who then later died after reaching hospital. Today the foundation remains with the same vision and mission of bringing hope for those given up because of native barriers by putting them first to prevent the suffering. The humanitarian organization registered under Tanzania law since 2015

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